之前有看過一篇文章,講到菁英選手的身體素質,其實大家都差不多。肉體能夠經由訓練提升的程度有限。所以當大家都是菁英、訓練內容也都差不多時, 要能得到冠軍,靠的就是心理素質的提升。




1.    I make firm friends within the team who are serious about the sport. 
2.    I tolerate other athletes at all times. 
3.    I join fellow athletes in social functions. 
4.    I attempt to be liked by and friendly with other athletes. 
5.    I train with athletes who are cooperative. 
6.    I do not get upset when criticized by other athletes. 
7.    I offer constructive and positive advice to other athletes. 
8.    I accept advice from other athletes. 
9.    I help other athletes if asked to do so. 
10.    I am interested in team matters and projects.

11.    I ask the coach why things are done in particular ways in my sport. 
12.    Unless I have other evidence, I trust that what the coach says is correct. 
13.    The coach and I together make decisions about my sport. 
14.    I usually do things as the coach says. 
15.    I let the coach know if I disagree with any decision or directive. 
16.    When asked to try new things, I apply myself fully. 
17.    I have asked the coach to tell me privately when I have done something wrong. 
18.    I can forget awkward social mistakes. 
19.    I calm-down quickly after being upset by something involving my sport.
20.    I do not brood over sporting problems or mistakes. 
21.    From my mistakes, I learn to do things better in the future. 
22.    I accept the blame for things that go wrong with me in my sport. 
23.    I prefer to know the training program well in advance of the session. 
24.    I like training sessions which keep me busy all the time. 
25.    Slow-motion movies or videos help me to understand my sport better. 
26.    I always arrive early for training. 
27.    I never leave training early. 
28.    I try to do everything as well as possible at training. 
29.    I occasionally feel grouchy and want to work alone. 
30.    Feelings of ill-health, stomach upsets, and vague pains do not occur.

31.    I organize my equipment well. 
32.    I have characteristics which are superior to other athletes. 
33.    I prefer to have someone plan trips and other forms of organization. 
34.    I am very enthusiastic about my sport. 
35.    My sport is the most important activity that I do. 
36.    I primarily compete for myself. 
37.    I could train by myself if the coach gave me adequate directions. 
38.    Watching my weight is important. 
39.    I seldom miss training through illness. 
40.    Before arguing on sporting matters, I wait until I am sure that what I will say is correct.

41.    I do not break team rules. 
42.    I am conscientious about the details of my sport. 
43.    I make a point of not being absent-minded or forgetful of details concerning my sport. 
44.    I am as enthusiastic as possible about my sport. 
45.    I do not miss training even if some other interesting event comes-up. 
46.    I tell the truth when I describe what I did in training. 
47.    I look for reasons, rather than for excuses, to explain what happens at training and in competitions. 
48.    Unfamiliar arenas do not affect my performance. 
49.    I enjoy training and competing. 
50.    I strive for better performances in training and competitions.

51.    I keep my equipment well-organized and ready for use. 
52.    I make training challenging for myself. 
53.    I put more intensity into competing than I do into training. 
54.    I plan my preparations and competitions in detail. 
55.    I develop plans that tell me what to do if things go wrong at competitions. 
56    I warm-up by myself. 
57.    My warm-ups include things that will be done in the competition. 
58.    I do not let anyone bother me during warm-ups. 
59.    I do not worry about opponents. 
60.    I am nervous and tense before a competition.

61.    If I am troubled before a contest, I can regain my composure. 
62.    I control my excitement by picturing what I will be doing in the contest. 
63.    I do not get distracted once my competition preparations begin. 
64.    I mentally rehearse my contest plan as often as possible. 
65.    I can maintain my concentration throughout the warm-up. 
66.    Just before the contest starts, I concentrate on how well I will start the competitive effort. 
67.    I set realistic goals for my contests. 
68.    Unusual events do not upset or distract me before a contest. 
69.    I do focus on the preparations for, and content of, the competition. 
70.    I start contests properly. 
71.    I am prepared to take a lead early no matter what the cost. 
72.    I do not save myself in order to make a good finishing effort. 
73.    When I am tired in a contest, I concentrate on my prepared plan. 
74.    I always do my best in competitions even though winning may not be possible. 
75.    Every competition is seen as an opportunity for me to improve. 
76.    I think only about my performance in a contest. 
77.    I do not get upset by officiating. 
78.    The more important the competition, the more enjoyable it is. 
79.    I use the information gained from a competition to modify and plan for the next contest. 
80.    I like the coach to tell me how well I am training and performing.

81.    I like the coach to comment frequently on my techniques. 
82.    I like other athletes to notice and talk to me about my performances. 
83.    I like to compete and train with friends. 
84.    I like to train with athletes who are cooperative. 
85.    I like my parents to be interested in my sporting activities. 
86.    I like to be able to receive the outstanding athlete award in contests. 
87.    I like my friends from outside my sport to be interested in what I do. 
88.    I like training programs to include a lot of variety. 
89.    I like each training session to be a challenge. 
90.    I like my skills to continually improve in training.

91.    I like to know my progress and improvement in my sport. 
92.    I want to get as much information as possible about my sport. 
93.    I like the travel that is associated with my sport. 
94.    I like my name to appear in newspapers and on radio and TV. 
95.    I can compete well in every contest. 
96.    When my competition performances improve, I train harder. 
97.    I like to place frequently in competitions. 
98.    I like to qualify for at least one final at every competition. 
99.    Every training item and competition is a challenge to me. 
100.    I want to improve in all aspects of my sport, not just my specialty.





(4)自律, 自信心,自我要求,熱忱。



來源:  http://coachsci.sdsu.edu/swim/ccf/ccf0105.htm






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